Confessions of a
Free Spirited Web Artist

The joy and hurdles of my dream job.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Don't take it personal, it's only business!

I just had a client who requested a quote for a website to showcase her husband's work of art as well as set up an e-commerce shopping cart. Than she proceeded to send me numerous websites of work she liked and wanted to incorporate in her website. They had special features of photo galeries, flash, and special effects.

After I send her a qoute, she asked me numerous questions about my web proposal and questioned it line per line. "Oh uh," I thought to myself,"I think this will be a difficult customer." Several weeks later, after numerous research she surprisingly contacted me again and decide to hire me.

I sent her a web contract, which she returned to me again and questioned it line per line. I have never encountered a client like this, and stalled my time. I really did not feel like getting back to her and wished inside of me that she just goes away and leaves me alone.

A couple of weeks later, I did get back to her and ask her what she really wanted. Than she changed her mind and did not want all the special feautres she requested. "Oh, than I have to change my qoute." I responded. She wanted something more simple. I did her a favor and did 4 actual mock-up pages, which I normally don't do, and of course, she did not like any of them. They were artist and her husband was rather famous, who had art pieces exhibited at the Smithsonian museum, and knew the likes of Ansel Adams.

So I stalled again, and really wish that she just looks for someone else but did not have the heart to tell her in her face. A couple of weeks later, she writes me an e-mail firing me before she even hired me. She decided to take another webmaster who she believes can give her what she wanted. Of course, she could not resist criticizing my work and accusing me of being at a learner's curb. She also complained that I did not take time to meet them and look at her husband's art.

I really do most of my work online and communicate with my clients online or on the phone. I seldom go and meet my clients, only when it's really necessary, and cannot be done over the phone or online. And I have lots of satisfied customers who never complained about it. Most of them are busy themselves and prefer this method of communication. Some clients just need special attention, or needed to be catered specially.

I actually was glad that she got off my back and my case, but I dont' understand why I felt hurt. So I called my good friend and web mentor, Tet, and asked her why I felt this way, even though I wanted her out of my life???

My wise friend suggested, "Maybe, you shouldn't have waited for her, and fired her first! " After relating to her the whole story Tet said "But that is a job for 3 people, Ming. What she ask of you is inmpossible!" "I know", I replied,"that is why I was stalling. " "Well" Tet responded, "just write this experience in your blog!"

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Joys of my Job

I do not want keep on ranting about my job. I really do enjoy my job so much otherwise I would be doing something else. One thing I like about this job, is the wonderful web community who are so helpful,thoughtful, and resourceful. They donate a lot of their personal time and share resources to keep a wonderful quality world wide web be it in sharing templates, tips and tricks of blogging, or simply setting up an e-commerce site. They can be just around in your neighborhood, or as far as south pole. To all the people who I have met and never met, I thank you so much for all the things you have done and shared to the web community. May God bless your souls, you know who you are!

Another thing I enjoy with this job is literally working in your jammies, or naked for all I care. :)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Customer is King

"I got a call from a prospective client, and he said he wanted to meet me for a website, but he added that he did not like any of the sites I built from my portfolio," I shared with Tet, my web mentor and guru. "Well, why did he call me?" I asked perplexed. "Maybe, he just likes you." Tet teased. "No, don't say that." I responded. "Normally, I would say...bug off, if you don't like my design, too bad! Look for someone else! Of course, I got challenged and decided to find out what he wants and meet him."

"It's not about what you like" Tet advised me. "It is what the customer wants". "I know" I confirmed her statement.

"Y'know, once I had a client, " Tet continued. "And I built her this very high tech, fantastic, fabulous website. I really wanted to show off all my skills in this particular website. And my client had it redone to something very simple and very basic. I really felt insulted because the website structure was elementary that it insulted everything I learned in school. But she was happy with the site. That is what matters."

"I know, I upgraded a web client's website too because i was not too crazy about my old work, thinking I had done her a favor. However, she cried and said she wanted the old website back!" I shared."What to do???"

As for the client who did not like my design, I did meet him anyway, and composed a mock-up page for him. He still didn't like my design. Oh well, this time I just let him off the universe. You just can't please everyone. If you know they are going to be difficult from the beginning, it is better to let go while it's still at an early phase, just like in any relationships. :)